About Us

We believe in expanding the opportunity for more entrepreneurs to become successful business owners and sellers. We make the dream of exiting or acquiring a business more attainable through our fast , non-dilutive funding which requires no personal guarantee.

What sets us apart

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Boopos in numbers


Qualified Buyers


Businesses Underwritten


Months of Track Record


Funding Approved

Meet the team

Juan Ignacio García Braschi

Juan Ignacio García Braschi

Founder & CEO

Teresa Burgos

Teresa Burgos

Chief Financial Officer

Jose Urrestarazu

Jose Urrestarazu

Capital Markets

Alex Alves

Alex Alves

Data Analytics

Ignacio Villanueva

Ignacio Villanueva

Sales & Partnerships

Carlos Munoz

Carlos Munoz


Our values


Excellence is our standard. We strive to offer best-in-class financial lending services to our small business customers and partners through our professionalism, reliability, speed, and expertise.


Being a good partner is at our core. We know successful partnerships are built on trust, so we always lead with honesty — with our customers, our team, and ourselves. We're in this together, and we know when our customers win, we do too.


We use our expertise to simplify the complicated nature of financial lending and business acquisition, always working to make the process as straightforward for our customers as possible.


Innovation is simply in our DNA. We believe in forever changing the financial landscape by providing everyone with greater access to safe and secure financial products with no personal guarantee.

Joins Us

We've built an A-team with a passion for doing things differently — but we're also just fun to be around. If this sounds like a good fit, browse our available opportunities!

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